World-renowned organizations and foundations - American
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)
Founded in 1978, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is the nation’s largest membership organization for providers and professionals who care for people affected by serious and life-limiting illness. Its broad community of members includes local hospice and palliative care providers, networks serving large regions of the United States, and individual professionals.
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
AAHPM is the professional organization for physicians specializing in hospice and palliative medicine, nurses, and other healthcare providers. Since 1988, the Academy has dedicated itself to advancing hospice and palliative medicine and improving the care of patients with serious illness. Our activities focus on education and training, resources, networking, and advocacy.
The Association for Death Education and Counseling
The Association for Death Education and Counseling®, The Thanatology Association®, is one of the first interdisciplinary organizations in the field of dying, death and bereavement. Its 1,500 members include a wide array of psychologists, counselors, social workers, educators, researchers, hospice personnel, clergy, and volunteers.
The primary goal of ADEC is to enhance the ability of professionals to meet the needs of those with whom they work in death education and grief counseling.
Palliative care at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH)
Palliative care at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) is focused on the medical, spiritual and emotional well-being of people facing serious and life-threatening illnesses.
The Hastings Center
The Hastings Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization created from multiple disciplines, including philosophy, law, political science, and education. The Hastings Center was critical to establishing the field of bioethics in 1969 and has been evolving ever since. Founded by philosopher Daniel Callahan and psychoanalyst Willard Gaylin, The Hastings Center is the oldest independent, nonpartisan, interdisciplinary research institute of its kind in the world.
The Center for Consciousness Studies (The University of Arizona)
The Center for Consciousness Studies (CCS), based at the University of Arizona, was formed in 1998 with a seed grant from the Fetzer Institute. The 1994 Tucson conference on “Toward a Science of Consciousness” is widely regarded as a landmark event, and the subsequent series of biennial conferences in Tucson organized by the Center have attracted extraordinary international, interdisciplinary interest. The Center is a unique institution whose aim is to bring together the perspectives of philosophy, the cognitive sciences, neuroscience, the social sciences, medicine, and the physical sciences, the arts and humanities, to move toward an integrated understanding of human consciousness.
The American Society for Psychical Research
The ASPR was founded in 1885 by a distinguished group of scholars and scientists who shared the courage and vision to explore the uncharted realms of human consciousness, among them renowned Harvard psychologist and Professor of Philosophy, William James. Many of the early participants were pioneers in psychology, psychiatry, physics and astronomy. Freud and Jung were honorary members. Luminaries from a wide range of disciplines have been drawn to the Society throughout its history, including Chester Carlson, the inventor of Xerox; quantum physicist, David Bohm; psychologist Gardner Murphy; and dream researcher Montague Ullman, M.D. From its inception, the Society has investigated the prevalence and meaning of extraordinary human experience from creativity, hypnosis, dreams and states of consciousness to telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokineses, healing, and the question of survival after death. These topics of study continue to be vitally relevant today.
International Association For Near-Death Studies
As an educational nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) focuses most of its resources into providing the highest quality information available about NDE-related subjects.
Nour Foundation
Founded in 1985, the Nour Foundation is a public charitable and nongovernmental organization in special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Through a multidisciplinary and integrative approach that blends the sciences and the humanities, the Foundation explores expressions of meaning and commonality to promote greater understanding, tolerance, and unity among human beings.